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This was an initiative that began in March 2020 when Maitreyi Kandoi of the Sarla Birla Group of Schools approached KFI Kolkata. She wanted us to arrange an online interaction with the educators on J Krishnamurti’s vision of Education. As we set about working on this proposal, a number of problems intervened. There was COVID. Then, there were various other unforeseen problems. Alok Mathur was originally selected to run the online interaction but had to drop out as his father fell seriously ill and indeed passed away in Delhi after prolonged illness. 

We then requested Dr Shailesh Shirali of Sahyadri School to help us and he accepted the challenge instantly.  Eventually, the online interaction happened on 28 November 2020 – eight months after the idea was first put to us. Thanks so much to Dr Shirali for addressing the teachers and principals of the Sarla Birla Group of Schools and responding to their questions.  It was a tough task to introduce Krishnsmurti’s vision for Education in 45 minutes but Dr Shirali managed beautifully.  His passion in communication was a treat to watch. 

Many thanks also to R E Mark Lee who spoke briefly for 15 minutes about the ‘religious’ intent of Education.  As always, profound and deep; intense and heart-felt. There were over 80 educators (principals and teachers), from nine  schools across the country, present on the occasion.  We hope that this is just the start of a more substantive engagement in times to come. The tender seeds for something special may well have been sown by Dr Shirali and Mark Lee.

1 Comment

  1. Hareshwar Singh (Hareesh)

    Dear Sir / Madam
    I expected to find the video recording of this event but couldn’t. If you have no plans to make it available on this web page, can you please email it personally to me?
    Best regards
    Hareesh (H. P. Singh)

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