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Going beyond identities to becoming Free

At the very outset, this author would like to clarify that neither is he a student of political science nor has he the erudition to comment on politics. He would just like to share here a few thoughts that he hopes might be useful. These are on the issue of identity.

Why do we identify with anything and/or organizations be they religious, political or otherwise? To understand, it is important to observe the psyche of people associating in huge numbers with such organizations. We must ask whether it is due to people being used to accepting authority or is it because of our conditioning that we depend. Dependence of course leads to accepting authority.

Dependence insofar as the physical is concerned is quite understandable but psychological dependence is uncalled for as it has devastating effects. Thinking that someone mightier (than us) can save us from our own troubles is quite detrimental as no one on earth can provide us psychological security.

This is quite a general phenomenon observable globally and instead of finding a solution to it by examining and understanding our own psyche, we depend on some ideology or organization or individual. One can be completely free only by going beyond dependence and identification. Only when we look at this deeply, can we be free. Till then, we will continue to seek security in some identity or the other, be it religious, political or otherwise and therefore
always remain in chains, in bondage.

Rightly, all religions and realized masters have emphasized on seeking individual awareness and self-knowledge. Only an awakened man can lead a life without conflict. The dissolution of conflict alone. within and outside, can end misery and sufferings.

Human beings are born free but are gradually chained to identities from birth, irrespective of their liking or disliking. The very questioning of such identities is a huge step forward. Tremendous change is required in society. Can we not allow a child to be completely free to discover and know life through its own exploration? Can we not allow a child to develop on its own? Such a child in due course would definitely understand the futility of identity and grow up as a whole, complete human being without division, without fragmentation. 

This is surely the way forward. The major reason for conflict and violence is identification. With the cessation of such identifications and the associated pride, organizations that nurture and propagate such identifications would lose their power to do evil. That would let us be just human and help us confront the real issues of life at all levels, both physical and psychological. With the cessation of organized religions and the advent of a truly religious mind, full of love and compassion, violence and conflict will recede.

Unless man sees all this, he can never be free- free to observe, free to think, free to know what freedom actually is. Living in the world sensibly in a rational and sane manner is a huge responsibility that comes only with a free mind. Only in such a state of freedom can love arise.  ‘Be a light to yourself’ says Jiddu Krishnamurti. Can we try?

Saket Shrivastava lives in Kolkata and and works with the Government of West Bengal. He says that he came upon the beauty of Jiddu Krishnamurti’s teachings after reading about him in an article by Osho. Since then, Saket says, his interest in the teachings has only grown with each passing day.


  1. Saket Shrivastava

    Thank you so much. It is actually an abridged portion of the original write up that is of more than 2500 words. Given the word limitations, there was no other way but to abridge it.

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