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G Gautama is Director, The Palar Centre for Learning (Pathshala) near Chennai. We were so fortunate to have him on our online program on Teachers’ Day 5 September 2021. In conversation with Gautama Anna (as he is known to so many of us) was Sudeshna Sinha, a Senior Teacher in Kolkata. Sudeshna had written a nice article recently in our website blog on the crisis in Education and this led us to consider a program where two educators could together explore. And who better than G Gautama to probe, explore, unravel in a free flowing conversation with Sudeshna.

And so it was that we had two experienced educators in conversation in our program ‘Unravelling the Crisis in Education’ on Teachers’ Day. We would like to invite educators to explore and join this ongoing dialogue. Please feel free to email us ( and share. J Krishnamurti had once said: ‘I think the purpose of education is to create this new mind which is explosive, and does not conform to a pattern which society has set’. To make this happen, there clearly has to be a huge transformation in the collective mindset of the educator. Please feel free to share the youtube link.

YouTube link:

J Krishnamurti had also said on one occasion: ‘Our problem is not so much the child but the teacher, the educator. And to educate the educator is far more difficult than to educate the child, because the educator is already set and fixed.’ Food for thought.

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