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  • 295.00

    Published previously as :Krishnamurti for Beginners The best introduction to Krishnamurti is Krishnamurti himself—his books, video and audio recordings—and not interpreters and commentators. And this book is meant primarily for those unacquainted with his vision of life which he maintained, was not his teachings but the teachings and never my teachings. The problem of daily living that confront every human being and Krishnamurti’s original approach to them, as well as his timeless vision of the…

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  • 195.00

    Violence, Krishnamurti says, ‘is like a stone dropped in a lake: the waves spread and spread; at the centre is the “me”. As long as the “me” survives in any form, very subtly or grossly, there must be violence.’ The book contains authentic reports of talks and discussions in 1970 in Santa Monica, San Diego, London, Brockwood Park (England) and Rome.

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  • 250.00

    Ever since it was published in 1969, this book has rightly been regarded as a primer on Krishnamurti’s teachings. In this book, we have for the first time a synthesis of what Krishnamurti has to say about the human predicament and the eternal problems of living. His words have been taken from over a hundred talks to audiences of all ages and nationalities throughout Europe and India. It was Krishnamurti himself who asked Mary Lutyens,…

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  • 195.00

    The first volume in a series titled ‘Selections from the Decades’. The series aims at presenting a representative sample of the talks that Krishnamurti gave between the 1940s and the 1980s.This book begins with the year 1947. Here, apart from addressing contemporary issues, Krishnamurti takes us, step by step, on the journey of discovering ourselves.

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  • 495.00

    This comprehensive record of J. Krishnamurti’s teachings is an excellent, wide-ranging introduction to the insights of the great philosopher and religious teacher. Apart from existential issues such as violence, insecurity, conflict, pleasure, fear,  and suffering, Krishnamurti examines larger but related questions, such as the role of the guru (with Professor Jacob Needleman); the traditional methods prescribed by Vedanta (with Swami Venkatesananda); the problem of good and evil (with Alain Naude′); and the relationship between thought…

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  • 295.00

    The First and Last Freedom was first brought out in 1954 by a British publisher in response to demands from all over the world for a comprehensive book on Krishnamurti’s teachings. The value of the book was enhanced with Aldous Huxley writing a masterly Foreword, in which he says: ‘In this volume of selections from the writings and recorded talks of Krishnamurti, the reader will find a clear contemporary statement of the fundamental human problem,…

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  • 350.00

    In 1977, Krishnamurti met with a group of Trustees of the Krishnamurti Foundations and, for more than a month, talked to them about the importance of living the teachings and thereby keeping it alive in the schools and adult study centres he had founded. ‘The very teachings are sacred, holy. The investigation of that teaching leads to, or brings about, the truth, which is holy. And if we are committed to that, to the investigation…

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  • 225.00

    “When you observe, when you become extraordinarily aware of this activity of the self, then the mind becomes extraordinarily quiet, sane, healthy, holy.” – J. Krishnamurti The nature of human consciousness, man’s inquiry into truth, the importance of being a light to oneself, and the true meaning of meditation, silence, enlightenment, and the sacred are the focus of this compilation. These excerpts from Krishnamurti’s previously unpublished talks are remarkable for the rare and subtle perspectives they…

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  • 399.00

    As the title of this book indicates, Total Freedom: The Essential Krishnamurti is both an introduction to Krishnamurti’s teachings and an essential, extensive collection. It includes selections that range from his early works to the talks he gave before his death, besides excerpts from his well-known books; these consist of talks, writings, and dialogues. All these provide valuable insights into the human condition, the nature of the self and of awareness, and the mystery of…

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  • 195.00

    Truth and Actuality consists of both talks and dialogues by J.Krishnamurti. It opens with three discussions taken from a longer series with the eminent theoritical physicist Dr. David Bohm; these deal with the problem of truth, the actuality in which we live as perceived by the senses, reality as appears to our consciousness, and the relationship between them. In the main part of the book Krishnamurti considers how man’s consciousness is made up of all…

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  • 195.00

    There is today a strange and deep discontent among the young people. Responding to this malaise, the words of J. Krishnamurti direct each person to become his own teacher as well as his own disciple. He asks us to use his words as mirror to look at ourselves as we actually are and to see the totality of existence. To look in such a manner, the mind must be completely free – not bound by…

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