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  • 195.00

    In this series of eight talks, given in Ojai, California in 1955, Krishnamurti confronts the confusion, habits, and assumptions of the human mind, and claims these lie at the root of all violence and suffering in the world. While these reflections were offered over fifty years ago, their meaning is as fresh and as relevant heard today. Krishnamurti discusses a world in which booming productivity and scientific advancement promise a happy future, but don’t provide…

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  • 195.00

    If ever we are to understand ourselves, says Krishnamurti, we must look at the state of the world, with all its violence and conflict. To turn away from world events is for him not to be alive to what life has to teach us. Facing a World in Crisis presents a selection of talks thatKrishnamurti gave on how to live and respond to troubling and uncertain times. His message of personal responsibility and the importance of…

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  • 80.00

    Magnitude of the Mind -The whole story of mankind is in you – the vast experiences, the deep-rooted fears, anxieties, sorrow, pleasure, and all the beliefs that man has accumulated throughout millennia. You are that book, and it is an art to read that book. So says Krishnamurti in this series of talks, reiterating his basic insight that what is important for a human being is to read the book of his own life, its…

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  • 295.00

    “We have spent a great deal of energy in attempts to solve our problems – intellectual energy, emotional energy, physical energy – and all this energy… has not in any way resolved our human psychological problems. We are concerned to find out if there is a different kind of energy which will, if we can tap it, resolve our problems.” – says Krishnamurti in this book. The contents of Meeting Life has been taken from…

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  • 250.00

    From very ancient times, human beings have been taught to regard thought as the most powerful and perhaps the only instrument they have for dealing with life. Krishnamurti shatters this dearly held notion by declaring that the instrument of thought produces havoc within individuals and in the world at large. Thought, no doubt, has helped man to progress in functional areas, and it has its rightful place there. But in the psychological realm, the solutions…

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  • 250.00

    The Revolution from Within is the second in the series titled `Selections from the Decades’ and consists of twenty-three public talks that Krishnamurti gave between 1952 and 1959. Whereas in the 1940s, Krishnamurti had to address a variety of contemporary social and political issues, here his focus is primarily, if not solely, on a radical change in the mind and heart of every human being. What brings about such a change is not knowledge or…

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  • 120.00

    This book consists of the last series of four public talks that Krishnamurti gave in Bombay, in February 1985. The talks are remarkable for the unusual perspectives and nuances that Krishnamurti offers on the psychological issues he deals with. There is a sense of polgnancy in the substance and tone of the last talk, where he urges us to realize that we are wasting our lives by not freeing ourselves from our hurts, conflicts, fears…

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  • 295.00

    This book consists of the talks Krishnamurti gave in New Delhi, Madras, Bangalore, and Bombay between December 1970 and February 1971. The title is a summing up of many of his statements that form the common theme of these series of talks. “The First step is the last step. The first step is to perceive – perceive what you are thinking, perceive your ambition, perceive your anxiety, your loneliness, your despair, this extraordinary sense of…

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  • 175.00

    What is it that is hurt? It is the image that one has built about oneself. If one were to be totally free of all images, then there would be no hurt, no flattery. So we are asking whether this image built from childhood, put together by thought, a structure of reactions, a process of remembrances—long, deep, abiding incidents, hurts, pain—can end completely. Find out for yourself whether you can be free of that image…

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  • 195.00

    Authentic reports of 12 talks and discussions held in 1969 in London, Amsterdam, Paris, and Saanen in Switzerland. “The solution of a problem lies in the understanding of the problem; the answer is not outside the problem, it is in the problem. One cannot look at the problem very clearly if one is concerned with the answer, with the solution. Most of us are so eager to resolve the problem without looking into it,” says…

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  • 250.00

    We never put the impossible question. We are always putting the question of what is possible. If you put an impossible question, your mind then has to find the answer in terms of the impossible, not of what is possible. All the great scientific discoveries are based on this—the impossible. By means of a series of exchanges, Krishnamurti helps his audience to explore matters such as personal relationships, the nature of pleasure and joy, the…

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  • 160.00

    When Krishnamurti came to India in November 1985, he was in his ninety-first year. He had returned, in the words of a friend, to ‘say goodbye’. Despite his terminal illness, he visited the Rajghat School in Varanasi, the Rishi Valley School in Andhra Pradesh, and Vasanta Vihar in Madras to give public talks and participate in the discussions with all the vigour and passionate concern of the previous sixty years of his working life. In…

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