October 3, 2018
You Are First A Human Being
Fritjof Capra, the well known physicist, became famous for his bestseller book “Tao of physics” published in 1975. It was one of the first books that tried to show the connection between modern physics and eastern mysticism.Who influenced Capra on his journey as a particle physicist? What kind of conversations did he have with several remarkable people? That is the focus of his book “Uncommon wisdom: Conversations with remarkable people”.Capra recalls his discussions with one
October 3, 2018
The Art of Dialogue
“We must have the capacity to think together. The capacity comes naturally and inevitably if one sees the importance and the necessity in a corrupting world, that to think together does not imply agreement or disagreement, but putting aside one’s own particular prejudice, opinion, judgment and having thus the capacity to think together. Because when we think together there is no division, you are not thinking separately from the speaker.”Jiddu Krishnamurti, Second public talk, Saanen