7 January, Sunday.
We had a lively dialogue interaction at the J Krishnamurti Study Centre in Kolkata. The theme for exploration was the whole area of conditioning. We first watched a short video titled ‘The conditioned self’ and then opened it up for discussion.
It is always rather difficult to sum things up immediately after an interaction program. With a barrage of words flowing around, one realises that the exploration of what is a very subtle matter needs much more than words.
Even so, a few important points did surface during the discussion. Such as:
can we see that self (ego) and conditioning are the same, not different? As long as the illusion of the self (me) is not seen for what it is, exploration tends to be superficial. A non-starter.
isn’t observation, without any filters of the self (ego), a critical factor in exploration? Seeing is action. A friend pointed out that pure observation is fundamental. Observation that is free in every sense.
you are the world. We seem to find ways to escape the arduous task of looking at oneself and instead we look at ways to change others, the outside world.
we tend to get lost in theory instead of doing the hard work of being factual, attentive and totally focussed on truth.
Many thanks to all participants for being part of an interesting interaction.