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Retreat in Rajghat November 2018

On 22 – 25 November 2018, our Centre has organized a Retreat to be held at the Rajghat Education Centre in Varanasi.

Over 80 years ago, a school was born at Rajghat, Varanasi out of a vision. J Krishnamurti was keen to establish a school that will transform minds and not just give information.

In the year 1927, he asked B Sanjiva Rao, a theosophist deputed by Annie Besant to work with him, to acquire lands in the Rajghat area next to river Ganges. The school endured great difficulty in the early years.

Today, the Rajghat Besant School is well established and doing its bit to deliver holistic education. In the words of J Krishnamurti, ‘there must be a cultivation of the totality of the mind and not merely a giving of information.’ The school is the heart of the Rajghat Education Centre.

On the Rajghat Education Centre campus, there is also a Study Centre where people may explore their own lives and the teachings of Krishnamurti. The environment of quiet and great natural beauty is conducive to this exploration.

Krishnamurti had said:‘It is essential sometimes to go to retreat, to stop everything that you have been doing, to stop your beliefs and experiences completely, and look at them anew, not keep on repeating like machines whether you believe or do not believe. You would then let in fresh air into your minds.’

This is what we hope will happen during our Retreat on 22 to 25 November 2018. Participants from all over India will be there for the Retreat.

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